MySQL 5.0+ and below 5. Web server: Apache 1.3, Apache 2.x, Nginx or Microsoft IIS The required configurations of Apache Server for the installation of QloApps are: Right now we do not have a Bitnami version of QloApps.
#Suitecrm kitematic install#
Second, why doesn't the install script remove the installation by itself, by automatic o by forcing a password? To be honest, security reasons just feels like a invalid argument.
#Suitecrm kitematic how to#
In the GUI I did not get the option to change it, but I read the instructions and saw a long line of commands where I saw the port translation - however I don't understand how to translate it and make it useful. I believe there is a problem with the ports as Qlo asks for port 80 but its already occupied by another server. For the life of it, the FTP client is not able to access the server and it could be so many reasons for it and we have very little patience with things that just won't work out of the box. The site is up and running no problems, however problems starts when I shall erase the install directory. However I am not very confident in using any kind of terminal and I don't understand the commands or what they are supposed to do - so I went with the Kitematic GUI and followed the instructions.

Our server runs on Windows so it felt natural to run the Docker version of Qlo. These are created by Bitnami who made the installation process a breeze for me who generally have very little to no interest in IT, however I am above average when it comes actual knowledge.

I have uploaded it to our backupserver which also runs six other kinds of servers, anything from Owncloud to SuiteCRM and Wordpress. We believe we have found a perfect system in Qlo as it would support multiple hotels and it just feels good to navigate in it (tried the demo) so I have decided to give it a serious try before anything else. My company is looking into buying two hotels and are currently deciding between two systems - either the old, boring Micros Fidelio route or what we would prefer: The open source way.